Side bands adhesive stripes for Porsche Cayenne S Auto Stripes Tuning Sport Decals
PAYMENTS: SHIPMENTS: Shipping cost starting from € 7,50
L’inserzione è riferita ad una coppia di fasce da circa 200 cm di lunghezza X 10 cm totali .
Ogni fascia è fornita divisa già in 3 parti.
( vari colori su richiesta )
Coppia di fasce realizzate in vinile adesivo ad intaglio e/o stampa e plastificazione con filtro anti UV e antigraffio. The kit is complete as shown in the product image. made of adhesive and plasticized vinyl with anti-UV and anti-scratch filter.
( se non specificato il colore dopo l’acquisto, verranno spedite le fasce nere come in immagine)
Logos and trademarks belong to their respective owners. The item subject of this sale is a NON-ORIGINAL REPLICA intended for private use for ornamental or decorative purposes as permitted by art.. 21, comma (1), letter (c) del D.Lgs. n. 30 of the 10 February 2005 (Industrial Property Code). Any further different use is prohibited by law and falls under the responsibility of the author
Our stickers are made to specific customer orders within 24-48 hours from purchasing the advert. They will be delivered to you duly packaged and ready for application. Shipping service: Shipping takes place via express courier. This way we can guarantee fast delivery 24-48 hours d to the shipping date.